Modify an Amino Acid

Modifying Specific Amino Acids

Often one will wish to modify a certain amino acid on a protein in order to study its function, map active sites of enzymes, make proteins more immunogenic, stabilize the protein or link it to activated matrices for immobilization. The following table lists amino acids which can be modified and in each subsection, the common reagents used and their chemical mechanism - just click on the amino acid you want to modify. Caution must be observed when interpreting results from these studies as some reagents modify more than one residue under some conditions. Use the table below to select the amino acid you wish to modify. We are looking for more procedures for the other amino acids not yet in the table. As always, if you have suggestions for reactions, if you know how to modify valine specifically, or just want to gripe or praise, MAIL US!

Choose the amino acid you wish to modify

Cysteine Histidine
Arginine Aspartate
Lysine Tryptophan
Methionine Tyrosine
Glutamate Back Home
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